An overview of the Leadership Group and why your next leader is one of your most important investments.

Regardless of whether you have your first project manager starting to coordinate the delivery of your jobs/projects or you have a deep line of successors ready to take their next opportunity in leadership, as a responsible leader, you will ALWAYS be coaching/mentoring and planting seeds for the next leaders behind you.

The CBC Leadership group was born out of a request by our CEO members many years ago. “Management as career” is about transitioning from doing the work required by the job to becoming more of a coordinator between functions and systems. The Leadership Group focuses on teaching leaders the difference between working “in” the business and starting to have them explore what it means to work “on” the business.

That means they develop language and techniques to coordinate between systems, processes, people, and coaching. As a leader, your system can get better or more efficient and your people can be coached or ultimately moved to areas where they would be able to contribute more effectively. Sometimes, that means teammates must be exited from the organization as the team is no longer a good fit for them.

A Leadership Pulse Check

The CEOs requested the Leadership Group be assembled to help maximize their operation’s efficiency. If you think about the math of it, the CEOs have utilized the CBC to augment the continued mentorship, education, coaching, and development of their teammates. By using an organization that shares similar language and philosophy on business management, the CBC becomes an additional coach and advocate for your team.

  • Feel like you are having to “do it all by yourself?”
  • Spending too much time in spreadsheets, payroll processing, or tracking down shipments?
  • Finding you are profitable but short on time?
  • Feel like you have a team on payroll but are not seeing them take the ownership/initiative you had hoped for?

These questions or feelings usually lead other owners and CEOs to consider whether the Leadership Group might be a good fit for their teammates. Eventually, you will have to start working smarter instead of harder. Here’s what the CBC Leadership Group consists of.

The Leadership Group Monthly Agenda

The Leadership Group consists of 6-10 leaders who meet once per month to discuss operations and challenges from their companies.

The meetings consist of a monthly speaker/exercise to foster dialogue and have the team expand their perspectives from which they observe their role. From here, the members get to work in groups to discuss challenges with the content and how it applies to their role. One of the CBC facilitators is coordinating and spurring the conversation to bring about the dialogue that will best inspire awareness and insight. There is always something new to learn!

Lastly, a monthly book discussion caps off the conversations every month. The group subscribes to the philosophy that “Leader are readers.” We champion the quote from Warren Buffet, “It’s better to learn from others’ mistakes.” A variety of titles will be consumed and ingested as a group throughout the course of the year.

Books Such As

  • Who Moved My Cheese – Johnson & Blanchard
  • Multipliers – Liz Wiseman
  • Profit First – Mike Michalowicz
  • Never Split the Difference – Chris Voss
  • The Goal – Goldratt
  • The Five Dysfunctions of a Team – Patrick Lencioni
  • Team of Teams – General Stanley McChrystal
  • Many more as customized by the group’s needs/dynamics

Want more?

Does this sound like an environment for you or one of your teammates?

We will fill 1-2 groups per year which will run for a 10-12 month cycle depending on the group dynamic and needs of the sponsoring organization.

Sponsoring a leader from your organization is a big step in growing your company. You can expect to see them start stretching, ask different questions, and pulling more of the weight of the operation. We are excited to meet them and start the journey with them.