Frequently Asked Questions

How much does it cost?

Depending on how much involvement you desire from the team, members pay anywhere from $1000-5000/month which will include a combination of facilitations or services from our team. Think of it like “skin in the game,” which helps us keep the groups relevent to the right level of leaders and making sure actions are taken between meetings.

What does the commitment look like?

One meeting on the second Friday (usually) each month. Additionally, one coffee or meeting between discussions to work with the facilitator on your progress and updates in preparation for the next month’s meeting. Most members start with six months and most choose to continue after that.

How do I know if I am not a good fit?

The biggest indicator is around company size and the willingness of the leader to get uncomfortable. Growing is rarely comfortable. Our best members understand they will get stretched and that they will have an incredible group of members just like them learning along the way.

Can we just do 1:1 coaching?

Getting one perspective is always valuable but getting the perspective of 6-10 similarly sized or slightly bigger organization’s leaders to be thinking about your particular questions multiplies the results. We highly encourage participation with more than just 1:1 work and will accomodate as appropriate.

What is your process for onboarding new members?

A conversation to start over the phone, over a meal or a cup of coffee. From there we will determine whether or not you want to sit in on one of our roundtable meetings. At that point we will be able to determine whether you and the group will want to work together moving forward

What if I do not get my money's worth?

It’s pretty simple. If after 6 months, you are not getting the results you were hoping for or better, you should fire us. If after 12 months, you are not making progress or demonstrating a willingness to get out of your comfort zone, we will fire you. 

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