A little more for you "gotta read everything" types


Because you want to see and hear what other folks are saying after working with us for a few years.

Serial Entrepreneur in the Manufacturing space

With all the demands on the time of a leader in today’s business environment, it’s very difficult to establish relationships with peers for the purpose of sharing information and solving problems. The Creative Business Coaching Roundtable Program allows business people the opportunity to address and evaluate issues concerning sales, finances, personnel, and management in a confidential and professional manner.

Keith Klein, CEO/President Manufacturing Partners, Inc (former)

– Co-owner of Alex Pro Firearms (Present)

About our team

Who you work with is more important that what you do

About a facilitator

Josh John stands out as one of those exceptional individuals whose impact truly comes to light in a one-on-one environment. His internal fire for those around him eager to enhance their revenue streams is infectious. Catching time with Josh is more than a meeting; it’s an ignition of your own drive, sparked by his relentless pursuit of excellence. His unique blend of professional passion, accountability, and a commitment to growth makes every interaction with him a pivotal moment, driving transformative change and setting a new standard for success.

– Ashly Hughes |  Get Savvy Social

About the mastermind

In six months, we raised our profitability by 104% and our growth projection from 22% to 33% YOY.

-Mike Marthaler | Owner of Blind Installation and Repair now WeFixBlinds.com

A former member

“Our roundtable group has developed into an accessible advisory board with whom I am very comfortable conferring with on most any topic. We encourage each other to bring up problems we are currently facing, ask for input from the roundtable members and then hold ourselves accountable by reporting back on action we have taken. Once, when one of our members missed two consecutive meetings, our entire roundtable group did not simply dismiss it as a casual absence, but became concerned that the member had become too involved in working ‘in’ his business rather than ‘on’ his business and immediately called him on his priorities. The instantaneous group concern was amazing.”

John Quinn,

President – Technical Tool Products, Inc.

CEO – Sharrow Lifting Products,

President – Northern Lights Solutions

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